Company History

Zanda was formed in June 2004 the company was born out of the deregulation of the Telecoms industry in the UK. The UK was the fist European country to deregulate its industry putting Britain at the forefront of the information technology revolution.

Due to lack of skills set, we were invited to Europe to assist with their deregulations; on completion of the project we found ourselves with an implementation team with a wealth of experience and skills.

By combining these skills we were able to form Zanda Corporation, a young and dynamic company, one of the UK’s fastest growing outsourcing companies.

Zanda is a privately owned company.

Diverse customer Base

After three years of providing Telecoms outsourcing solutions on the international market, Zanda has reviewed its position. In June 2007 Zanda Training was formed to meet the growing needs of the UK unemployed, by offering the right training and support we are able to help the unemployed back into long term suitable employment.

© 2006 Zanda Corporation